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Upcoming Events

Club meetings are held at the Cypress Creek Christian Community Center. located at 6823 Cypresswood Dr. Spring, TX  usually on the second Saturday of each month, watch the Club Calendar for meeting dates.  Meeting times are 10:00 - 12:00

Welcome to the Sam Houston Corvette Club one of the largest Corvette clubs in the Houston area.

If you like Corvettes and socializing or want to learn more about Corvettes you're at the right place!  We are dedicated to improving your Corvette experience.  Our club offers multiple opportunities, with monthly meetings, outings and activities.

Outing to destinations to visit and eat with your fellow Club members is a great chance to meet like-minded Corvette owners.

Each month our club hosts (except for April, July, and December) a meeting with to visit, talk, and share Corvette expertise with our Club members.  Visitors are always welcomed!

Browse our website to find out more about us.  Please contact us with your questions, or with your interest in joining us.

HomeEventsBandit Run XIV

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Bandit Run XIV

About this event

Bandit Run XIV      


When:               Saturday, January 25, 2025         


Meeting at:       Buc-ee’s Waller, TX

FM-362 and Highway 290

Waller, Texas 77484

Time:                9:00 AM, Wheels Turning at 9:30 AM


Come join us on the chase for the legendary bandit, Pancho Villa.  He is too close to Houston and up to his usual tricks.  We are forming a posse of a few brave men and women to chase Pancho.  We will be starting from the northwest side this time.  It is guaranteed to be a run full of twists and turns and full throttle blasts.  After Pancho has been thoroughly banished from Texas, it will be time to water our horses at the Ransom’s Steak House & Saloon, Montgomery, TX.  Bring your fast car and pray for shine.  No rain allowed for this event.  On this run, we will cover about 103 miles and it will last about 5 hours including lunch.  Pencil in the date now. 

Driving directions can be found on the club website under the Documents tab, then clicking on the Maps and Driving Directions folder, then slect "2025 Bandit Run XIV".

Please RSVP for this event through the club web site.  We are expecting a large turn out and we need to let the restaurant know how many to expect.  This event will be open to all Corvette owners.  Invite your friends and potential new club members.  All are welcome.  Bring a handheld walkie talkie or a CB if you have one.  It is always fun so come on out in the middle of winter and enjoy yourselves with a fine group of fellow Corvette enthusiasts.


If you have any questions, contact:

Jeb Jonas @ 713-417-2686 or Janet Jonas @ 214-783-0974

Email:  Zoom!!! Zoom!!!

Date and Time

Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Buc-ee's Waller, TX
FM-362 and Highway 290
Waller, TX  77484

Event Contact(s)

Jeb E Jonas
713-417-2686 (p)
713-417-2686 (c)



Registration Info

Registration is required

Call Today: (555)555-5555